Special FX Workshop


Old School Special Effects Theory and Practice

Mentors: Dino Julius and Luka Hrgović

Dino Julius and Luka Hrgović from Croatia are considered to be masters of making miniature film models. Their aesthetics originate from the sci-fi films of the 80s, which modern digital technology simply cannot recreate. With the short film Slice of Life (2019), they won countless awards, including the Melies d'Argent for the best European fantasy film at the Grossmann festival. This year we will be screening their latest film Splashback (2023).

The participants of the workshop will learn in theory and practice the special effects of the old school, i.e. the effects used before the digital revolution. The authenticity and charm of practical effects still cannot be faithfully recreated by digital technology, which is why this knowledge is all the more valued. The workshop is intended for filmmakers and beginners, as well as anyone interested in how film magic is created.


Day 1 (3 hours) 13.06.

- theory of practical special effects;

- analysis of special effects with their film "Splashback";

- learning the techniques of shooting with miniatures, forced perspective and rear projection.


Day 2 (3 hours) 14.06.

- practical use of the theory of special effects;

- shooting with miniatures from the movie "Splashback";

- setting the lights for shooting miniature details and the correct placement of the frame.



Applications are welcome at the email:




