She Freak

83', USA 1967
Language: English

She Freak photo

A cynical waitress gets an extra job at a travelling carnival sideshow, where she soon marries and then inherits the owner. When she starts abusing the freaks in the show, things get ugly. A shameless remake of Freaks (1932), produced and written by David F. Friedman, who plays a carnival barker, something he also did in real life.

She Freak poster
Režija: Byron Mabe
Scenarij: David F. Friedman
Fotografija: Bill Troiano
Glasba: Billy Allen
Igrajo: Claire Brennan, Lee Raymond, Lynn Courtney, Bill McKinney, Claude Smith
Producent: David F. Friedman
Produkcija: Sonney-Friedman Pictures
Žanr: grozljivka