Working Class Goes To Hell

Radnička klasa ide u pakao, 127', Serbia 2023
Language: Serbian , Subtitles: eng, slo

WorkingClass still

After the factory was closed down due to a deliberately set fire which took many lives, the inhabitants of a small town are in dire situation. Some of them turn to supernatural powers to get their justice. This will lead to unexpected events.

In 2009, Mladen Djordjević shocked and awed the world with his debut feature fiction film The Life and Death of a Porno Gang, with which he also visited Grossmann festival. With his new film, he once again blends comedy, drama and horror elements in a relentless attack on systematic corruption and resignation that accompanies it.

WorkingClass poster
Written and directed by: Mladen Djordjević
Cinematography by: Dušan Grubin
Music by: Kalin Nikolov
Cast: Tamara Krcunović, Leon Lučev, Momo Pićurić, Ivan Đorđević, Lidija Kordić, Mirsad Tuka
Produced by: Milan Stojanović, Mladen Đorđević
Production Companies: Sense Productions, Banda
Genre: drama

13. 06. 2024, 17:00
Culture House Cinema